1. Everyone must take responsibility for evaluating their own fitness to attend rehearsal. If you begin to feel unwell, do not come to rehearsal. Assume you have the virus unless shown otherwise, eg through a lateral flow or PCR test.
  2. Do not come to rehearsal if:
    1. It is within 10 days of a positive COVID test result
    2. You are awaiting the results of a COVID test
    3. You have returned from a country to which quarantine applies
  3. There will be a signing-in sheet for all cast and creatives to sign indicating that they are attending in accordance with the Company’s COVID protocols. Visitors must also sign in and acknowledge the same.
  4. If you feel ill during a rehearsal, please notify a member of the committee or production team immediately.
  5. Those who know they are clinically vulnerable and at increased risk of COVID, take part at their own risk.
  6. Those who decide not to be vaccinated for whatever reason, must sign a declaration that they understand the risk to themselves of taking part in the production.
  7. Please feel free to wear masks if you are more comfortable with this.
  8. To keep the number of people in the room to a minimum, please only attend those rehearsals to which you are called.
  9. When singing or taking part in movement/dance rehearsals please think about your proximity to other people.
  10. Please use sanitisers or wash your hands regularly.
  11. The Company will provide sanitisers at the door and in the kitchen area. Each person’s temperature will be taken as they enter the rehearsal space, and a stock of lateral flow tests will be available. Masks and gloves will also be available if anybody needs first aid.
  12. Please do not share libs and scores. You can download these from the website.
  13. Doors and windows will be open to increase ventilation.
  14. Understudies will be cast wherever possible. Please be aware that you will not perform unless the cast member is unavailable.
  15. New protocols will be developed for show week depending on the situation at the time.

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Bournemouth and Boscombe Light Opera Company