Friends of BBLOC

Friends of BBLOC Newsletter

January 2023

Welcome to our ‘Friends of BBLOC’ January Newsletter. We really hope that you are in a position to continue to support us for this year.

BBLOC Rehearsal Home

As you know, we moved our base from Rooper Hall to Corpus Christi Hall in Boscombe. This took a huge amount of effort on the part of a few to transport all our props, wardrobe and everything we have collected over the years. Although we are very happy here it is very expensive for us and takes a massive effort on behalf of all our members to fund-raise in order to pay the bills. Because of this we are always looking for a cheaper alternative, but it would need to suit our needs.

The Addams Family

October 2022

This exceeded all our expectations, and we had amazing reviews. I realise for some of our ‘Friends of BBLOC’ this particular show may not have been a great attraction; however it proved to be a massive success and thrilled all our audiences young and old.

Calendar Girls

Our next show at the Pavilion Theatre Wednesday 5 – 8 April 2023.

The show is now fully cast and rehearsals are well under way. We have a terrific cast with some of our ‘older’ loyal members, so this is one show not to be missed. There will also be a few surprises during show week.

We are using this show to support our charity - Macmillan Caring Locally - which makes its success even more important.

Coffee Morning

Saturday 25 March 2023 at 22a Cavendish Road, Bournemouth 10:30-12 noon.

We hope to get some of the cast to come along and chat. Coffee and home-made cakes as usual. Hope to see as many of you as possible.

The last coffee morning saw 2 of our longstanding members - John Luxford and Peter Jefferies - and we really enjoyed chatting with them.

We have also lost three dear members during the last 18 months

Alisa Alexander - in December 2021, at the age of 95. Alisa played a principal role in Mame and in our first production of Carousel back in the 70’s. She also acted as assistant director to Ricky Price.

Kay Hardyman – in January 2022 after a brave battle with cancer. Kay took principal roles in our productions of Annie Get Your Gun, My Fair Lady, Me and My Girl, Hello Dolly and 42nd Street and was multi-talented and creative both on and off the stage.

Barbara Potter – in November 2022. Barbara was a beautiful and talented singer and performer - well known for her immaculate outfits and appearance on every occasion.

Message from our ex-President, Simon Rawlings

Well, I hope you saw The Addams Family. It was the closest to professional standard I have ever seen; in fact, it may have beaten it (and the director of the West End production came to my stag night!) The sheer number of slick ensemble numbers made such a difference. It is a pleasure to bow out as President after such a show, and to relinquish that role to the fabulous Su Pollard, who I have directed in Pantomime.

This concludes Simon’s 5 years as President and we have enjoyed his presence at our shows and other events, however, I am sure he will continue to support us whenever possible.

We are proud to welcome Su Pollard who has agreed to be our President for 1 year.

Social Activities

BBLOC members have enjoyed a series of social events over the summer and beyond. In August we had a busy weekend, with a group of us heading off to the Regent Centre to support our friends at Highcliffe Charity Players with their fantastic production of Copacabana. The following day we met at Carole and Roy's for the annual BBLOC summer garden party. It was so nice to catch up with members old and new over a cream tea in such lovely surroundings.

In September we had a relaxed social in Rhiannon and Rosalind's garden with drinks and nibbles. We also visited our friends in The Christmas Spectacular at the Regent Centre. We always try to arrange trips to visit other societies’ productions, to give them our support.


Freddie Stockham, born to Becci Jayne and Matt on 21 July 2022 weighing in at 7lb 15oz Freddie Stockham image

Freddie Stockham


This took place at Corpus Christi on Thursday 22 September with over 40 people attending. We all enjoyed Cheese and Wine afterwards and had a lovely social evening.

In conclusion, I hope you are all well and keeping safe. If you have any information on any of our past members, please let me know and I will always include them in any messages that go out. Also Andy, our Webmaster, will put the information on our Facebook page.

Carole Gadsby - Secretary
01202 316074

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Bournemouth and Boscombe Light Opera Company